Prince and Princess of Wales have made their first joint official visit to Cornwall

As the Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, are known for their commitment to supporting various causes and organizations in the UK and around the world. Their visit to Falmouth and the National Maritime Museum Cornwall highlights their interest in promoting the maritime heritage of the country and preserving its rich cultural history.

Their visit to the National Maritime Museum Cornwall highlights their interest in promoting the maritime heritage of the country and preserving its rich cultural history

The visit by Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, to the National Maritime Museum Cornwall highlights their support for the arts, education, and youth programs in the UK. Their interest in the ‘Young and Talented Cornwall’ scheme shows their commitment to providing opportunities and support to young people, regardless of their financial background, to help them achieve their potential.

Catherine's visit to Derby to celebrate Capt Chandi's return from her solo expedition across Antarctica is another example of her support for individuals and organizations that make a positive impact in the world. As patron of the expedition, Catherine played an important role in raising awareness and recognition for Capt Chandi's accomplishment.

Their visits also help to raise the profile of the organizations and causes they support, which can lead to increased funding and support for these initiatives. As members of the royal family, Prince William and Catherine have a unique platform to make a difference in the world and they use it to promote important causes and make a positive impact.

The joyous Duchess of Cornwall during the museum visit 

Kate and William helped a team refurbish the Kiwi, a 14-foot sailing dinghy that was presented to Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip as a wedding present from the Royal New Zealand Navy.

Happy moments. The Princess of Wales offered one member of the public a hug during her walkabout in Cornwall

Kate sported a chestnut brown Hobbs coat she first debuted in 2012 for the outing, teamed with matching knee-high boots


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